Design furniture

DESIGN FURNITURE. Exclusive Furniture

El furniture design is an art. Home furniture is our best letter of introduction when we receive family and friends, an identity stamp that reflects our personality and cannot lose its essence over time.

Grandes architects, designers and artists have created furniture as a form of artistic expression. Generating unalterable designs at the same timeClear example is the chair he devised Mies Van der Rohe, which has generated countless inspirations from manufacturers around the world.

Mies Van der Rohe
Design chair by Mies Van der Rohe

The greatest difficulty a furniture maker it is often to transform those creative sensations into collections that find the balance between design and utility.

When creating bedroom designs We must bear in mind that it is our place of peace and rest after the day of work or leisure. For this reason they must, far from ergonomic aspects, transmit us a visual harmony that makes life easier and it is here where the aesthetic aspects of design are most relevant. In a similar way to what happens with the bedrooms, the living rooms should convey the expected feeling since it is where we will receive loved ones and where we will spend a large part of our time at home.

Klassic II Bedroom by Franco Furniture
Klassic II Bedroom by Franco Furniture


Franco Furniture, as designer furniture manufacturer, its main objective is to obtain the best quality so that all our furniture remains unalterable while they are being enjoyed. Making the statement their own: "Life is too short to not have furniture to fall in love with."

For this we work with the best suppliers in the raw materials market see materials.


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